RYOT: A Collective of 23-Year-Olds Blending Fashion, Music, and Lifestyle

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital content creation, a new breed of creators is emerging, bridging the gap between fashion, music, and lifestyle through interdisciplinary collaborations and pursuits. One such collective, RYOT, is making its mark with a unique blend of creativity, intention, and positivity. This group of six 23-year-olds – video director Matthias Selvam, audio engineer Noah Elisha Yeoh, model and drummer Jonathan Cheng, model Srri Ramm Dayanithy, multimedia artist Gabriel Lim, and entrepreneur Sashwin Sashi – embodies the very essence of their acronym: Run Your Own Thing.

Boasting a substantial following across platforms like TikTok and Instagram, RYOT produces a diverse range of content that captures their vibrant personalities and unwavering camaraderie. From lifestyle-oriented outdoor vlogs to fashion-forward thrift challenges, their videos exude an infectious energy and a shared passion for creating. The group’s journey began organically, evolving from a shared love for making videos together, even before the rise of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels. These early videos, captured as cherished memories, served as the foundation for what would become RYOT, a platform where entertainment, humor, and creativity converge seamlessly.

At the heart of RYOT lies a deep-seated desire to challenge the status quo and inspire youth to embrace their authentic selves, unburdened by societal pressures and judgments. The members, each bringing their own unique skill set to the table, believe in fostering a collaborative environment where their individual talents complement each other, resulting in cohesive content that resonates with a wider audience. “We want RYOT to be an ecosystem of individuals who are always striving to empower and create,” they proclaim.

Unlike traditional collectives with fixed roles and hierarchies, RYOT thrives on fluidity and open communication. The group embraces a collaborative approach, encouraging members to explore new projects and grow together, free from rigid structures. This dynamic fosters a constant exchange of ideas, allowing concepts to flourish and evolve.

Beyond their infectious passion and unwavering spirit, the members of RYOT possess a distinct sartorial sense that reflects their youthful energy. High-street brands like Supreme, Corteiz, and Stussy, known for their community-driven ethos, resonate deeply with the group. These brands represent more than just clothing; they embody a cultural movement that resonates with RYOT’s aspirations. “Similar to these brands, we wish to cultivate a strong identity for RYOT, one that is eventually able to shift the culture here,” they state.

With their sights set on expanding their reach beyond their home base, RYOT seeks to collaborate with like-minded creatives across the region. Their ambition finds inspiration in publications like Vogue Man, which they view as a curated platform that amplifies emerging talent while pushing the boundaries of innovation and expression. Ultimately, the members of RYOT envision their collective as a dynamic ecosystem, empowering individuals to create and inspire through their shared passion.

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