Saga Cruises has embarked on an exciting new collaboration with BBC Studios, offering guests an exclusive opportunity to experience the magic of beloved BBC shows firsthand. This inaugural partnership between a cruise line and BBC Studios promises a unique blend of entertainment and behind-the-scenes insights, featuring appearances by prominent stars and experts from various BBC programs.
From the glitz and glamour of Strictly Come Dancing to the wonders of The Sky at Night, Saga Cruises will be hosting a captivating array of events throughout the year. Passengers can expect to meet and interact with personalities like Dame Maggie Aderin-Pocock, a renowned space scientist and host of The Sky at Night, and Ella Al-Shamahi, a renowned explorer and evolutionary biologist known for her BBC programs. Strictly Come Dancing fans can anticipate dazzling performances by professional dancers Luba Mushtuk and Vito Coppola, who will share insights into their careers and the world of competitive dance.
Beyond the star power, guests will have access to experts from renowned series like Doctor Who and Silent Witness, providing insights into the production process and the magic behind the screen. The Millennium FX team, known for their award-winning visual effects work in BBC Studios productions and Hollywood films, will be on board to demonstrate the intricacies of creating realistic special effects.
This partnership offers a truly immersive experience, taking passengers beyond the typical cruise entertainment. The collaboration encompasses a series of specially curated itineraries on Saga’s sister ships, Spirit of Adventure and Spirit of Discovery, sailing from July 2024 to March 2025. These all-inclusive, no-fly itineraries include a range of destinations, from the Adriatic Sea to the Caribbean and North America.
Saga Cruises has always been known for its luxurious and immersive experiences, and this collaboration with BBC Studios is a testament to their commitment to providing exceptional entertainment and enrichment opportunities for their guests. This unique partnership promises to elevate the onboard experience to new heights, offering a truly unforgettable journey for those seeking a blend of adventure, education, and entertainment.