Sainsbury’s Speeds Up Checkouts with AI Technology

Sainsbury’s is revolutionizing its checkout experience with the introduction of new Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. This innovative system is being rolled out across 22,500 checkouts, promising a faster and smoother shopping experience for customers.

One of the key features of this AI technology is its ability to identify items without barcodes, such as loose fruits and vegetables. This eliminates the need for shoppers to manually search for the item on the system, saving valuable time. The AI can also detect unexpected items in the bagging area, which usually requires a staff member to intervene.

Furthermore, the technology allows supermarket employees to approve certain purchases remotely using tablets, particularly for items requiring weight confirmation. This streamlined process helps to reduce wait times and improve overall efficiency.

Beyond enhancing the checkout experience, Sainsbury’s AI initiative will also provide valuable insights for business operations. The system will gather real-time data, enabling more accurate sales forecasting and allowing the supermarket to tailor its promotions to customer preferences.

This AI rollout extends beyond standard supermarkets, with Sainsbury’s also integrating it into its convenience stores and petrol stations. Clodagh Moriarty, chief retail and technology director for Sainsbury’s, highlighted the benefits of this technology, stating that it reinforces their commitment to providing high-quality food and exceptional service, both in-store and online.

Eric Schoch, executive vice president and president of retail at NCR Voyix, the company supplying the AI technology, emphasized the importance of keeping pace with consumer demands. He stated that their modern software-first approach enables Sainsbury’s to implement changes quickly and cost-effectively, while running services in the cloud and allowing for self-checkout at the speed of a digital channel.

Sainsbury’s isn’t the only supermarket embracing AI. Morrisons announced plans earlier this year to implement AI-powered cameras in their UK stores by the end of the year. These cameras, following successful trials, have proven to significantly improve product availability and enhance staff efficiency. This move positions Morrisons as the first UK retailer to adopt this technology, partnering with Seattle-based AI company Focal Systems.

The widespread adoption of AI technology in the supermarket industry signifies a shift towards a faster, more efficient, and data-driven shopping experience. As these advancements continue, we can expect to see even more innovative solutions that further enhance the customer journey.

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