Salesforce Advocates for AI Environmental Regulation to Curb Energy Usage

Salesforce, a leading software developer, is advocating for increased environmental regulation of artificial intelligence (AI). The company highlights the technology sector’s high energy usage and lack of emissions reporting as key concerns. On Monday, Salesforce announced its intention to push lawmakers and regulators to develop legislation that mandates AI emissions disclosure using standardized measurement and reporting metrics.

Megan Lorenzen, Salesforce’s director of climate and energy, emphasized AI’s dual potential to worsen or mitigate environmental challenges. Salesforce specifically urges companies that use general-purpose AI models to publicly report their energy efficiency and carbon footprints using standardized metrics. According to Lorenzen, such transparency will improve efficiencies over time and enable users to make more informed decisions regarding AI and energy consumption.

Salesforce considers these disclosures essential to achieving a net-zero future and assessing the risks of high-impact AI models. The company’s advocacy for AI environmental regulation aligns with its broader commitment to sustainability. Salesforce stock has gained 41% in the last 12 months, indicating investor confidence in the company’s long-term growth prospects.

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