Salman Rushdie Endorses Kamala Harris for US Presidency, Calls Her the ‘Superstar’ Who Can Defeat Trump

Renowned Mumbai-born author Salman Rushdie has thrown his full support behind Kamala Harris’s bid for the US presidency, expressing his belief that she is the only candidate capable of preventing former President Donald Trump from steering the country towards authoritarianism. Rushdie made this endorsement during a virtual ‘South Asian Men for Harris’ event, attended by a significant gathering of prominent figures from the Indian-American community, including influential lawmakers, authors, policy experts, entrepreneurs, and diaspora organizations.

During the event, Rushdie highlighted the critical juncture in US politics, stating, “It’s a critical moment. I’m a boy from Bombay and it’s great to see an Indian woman running for the White House. And my wife is African-American, so we like the fact that a Black and Indian woman is running for the White House.” He acknowledged that Harris, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is a woman of significant historical and social importance. He also emphasized that ethnicity alone is not enough, pointing out that the current momentum surrounding Harris’s candidacy is due to something “very extraordinary, transformative” that has occurred in American politics.

Rushdie described the shift in the political discourse, stating, “The conversation has entirely changed with the arrival of Kamala Harris’s candidacy and it’s changed most joyfully, a way of optimism and positive, forward-thinking.” He underscored the imperative for the community to work together and prevent the “alternative” from taking hold, referring to Trump, whom he characterized as a “hollow man without a single noble quality, trying to drag this country towards authoritarianism.”

Rushdie voiced his strong conviction that Harris is the only candidate capable of preventing this, declaring, “I’m right in 1,000 per cent in for her.” He acknowledged the power of star power in American politics, suggesting that Trump’s celebrity status from his years in television played a significant role in his election victory in 2016. He contrasted this with the current situation, asserting, “Well, right now, he doesn’t look like the star. He looks like the old, fat guy. Kamala looks like the superstar. And I think the charisma she brings to the campaign could be critical in the weeks ahead.”

Addressing concerns about whether America is ready to elect a woman with Black and Indian heritage as president, Rushdie pointed out that times have changed dramatically. He stated, “I think the way in which women’s leadership is viewed now is different. The way in which the race issue can be made a positive is a new thing. And so I think there’s absolutely no reason why Kamala Harris should not win and actually win it quite handily.”

Rushdie bolstered his argument with recent media polls that have placed Harris neck and neck with Trump, emphasizing the significant change in momentum. He stated, “And it’s not even a week. We can do this. We just have to believe it.” He urged the writer community and all Americans to “use every power we have, whether it’s speaking out, writing, arguing, we’ve got to win this argument. And writers are pretty good at arguing. So I think we’re going to do our best.”

With the November 5 presidential election looming just 100 days away, Rushdie stressed the urgency of the situation, urging people to act swiftly. He implored “aunties” and extended families to mobilize and cast their votes in large numbers for Harris. He expressed deep appreciation for the collective support that has emerged for Harris across various communities, from South Asian to Indo-Caribbean, noting the powerful message of unity it conveys.

He emphasized the importance of continued effort and vigilance, stating, “We cannot be complacent. We have to fight this down to the wire because it’s probably going to go down to the wire, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be the first pass the post. I believe we can.” The event concluded with a resounding call for all South Asian men and women to unite, contribute financially, and vote for “our first female president, Kamala Harris!”

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