Santa Barbara Zoo Renews Certification as Certified Autism Center

The Santa Barbara Zoo has taken a significant step towards ensuring a welcoming environment for all visitors, especially those with autism and sensory needs. The zoo has successfully renewed its Certified Autism CenterTM designation, a testament to its ongoing commitment to inclusivity. This designation, awarded by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES), recognizes the zoo’s dedication to providing a safe and comfortable experience for all visitors.

Since receiving the initial certification in 2018, the Santa Barbara Zoo has consistently worked to enhance its accessibility features and meet the rigorous requirements for renewal. This includes providing sensory backpacks, designated quiet spaces, and special events like the Autism Safari nights, designed to cater to the needs of individuals with sensory sensitivities and their families.

The zoo’s commitment to neurodiversity extends beyond its physical spaces. They have partnered with organizations that support the autism community, aiming to create a welcoming and understanding environment for everyone. JJ McLeod, the Director of Education at the Santa Barbara Zoo, emphasizes the zoo’s gratitude for IBCCES’s continued support in their mission to promote inclusion and accessibility. As the first zoo on the West Coast to achieve this certification, the Santa Barbara Zoo continues to set a high standard for inclusivity and accessibility in the tourism industry.

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