Saskatchewan Premier Dismisses Allegations Against MLA Jeremy Harrison

In a surprising turn of events, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe has categorically denied allegations of threats made by MLA Jeremy Harrison against the provincial legislature’s Speaker, Randy Weekes. During a recent press conference held amidst a cabinet reshuffle, Moe addressed the concerning matter, stating that he had personally spoken to Harrison and was assured that the accusations were “unequivocally false.” Moe expressed his shock and bewilderment over the situation, emphasizing that Harrison’s alleged behavior was highly uncharacteristic.

Speaker Weekes had previously made serious allegations against Harrison, accusing him of boasting about his ability to sway the Speaker’s rulings and sending harassing text messages. Weekes further alleged that Harrison had exhibited inappropriate behavior since his election and expressed particular concern over his fascination with firearms. According to Weekes, Harrison had even brought a hunting rifle into the legislative building and owned other firearms. He also expressed concern over Harrison’s desire to obtain permission to carry a handgun within the legislative assembly.

Premier Moe, when questioned about Harrison’s alleged desire to bring a handgun into the legislature, expressed his puzzlement, stating that he could not fathom why Harrison would want to do so. He emphasized that there is ample security personnel within the legislative building, including those carrying firearms, rendering the need for an additional handgun unnecessary.

In response to Moe’s comments, Speaker Weekes indicated that he had attempted to communicate his concerns to the Premier but found it challenging to reach him. However, Moe retorted by stating that Weekes had his phone number, implying that accessibility was not an issue.

The unfolding events have raised questions and concerns within the provincial political landscape. It remains to be seen how this situation will further develop and whether any official investigations or actions will follow.

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