Saudi Arabia and Egypt Reign as Top MENA Travel Destinations in Wego’s 2024 Study

Both Saudi Arabia and Egypt have consistently ranked among the most sought-after destinations for travelers from the MENA region since 2014, when Wego initially began tracking these trends. The ongoing appeal of these countries can be attributed to various factors, including their rich cultural heritage, historical landmarks, and efforts to enhance their tourism infrastructure.

In addition to Saudi Arabia and Egypt, other notable destinations within the Gulf and broader Middle East region include India, Pakistan, Kuwait, Turkey, Qatar, and Oman. India has consistently ranked third, primarily due to its popularity among Gulf residents for employment and business opportunities. Pakistan, on the other hand, has witnessed a significant rise in its ranking, climbing two positions to fourth place. This growth is attributed to improved air connectivity and more competitive flight prices with Gulf nations.

When examining travel preferences within Europe, the United Kingdom remains the undisputed leader, maintaining its position as the top destination for Middle Eastern tourists for a decade. Notably, Italy has made a remarkable leap to second place, marking its first appearance in the top three. This surge can be attributed to the introduction of new direct flight routes and bilateral investments with Saudi Arabia announced in late 2023.

Moving on to the Asia Pacific region, Thailand and Indonesia continue to hold their positions as the first and second most popular destinations respectively. Vietnam has managed to advance one spot, surpassing South Korea. The shift towards regional travel over distant destinations has persisted into 2024, with countries further from the Gulf, such as Morocco, Indonesia, and the USA, experiencing the most significant drops in their rankings. In contrast, nearby countries like Kuwait, Pakistan, and Jordan have retained their newfound popularity, with Qatar making its debut in the top ten this year, replacing Morocco.

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