Scarborough Marsh Gets $1.4 Million in Federal Climate Resiliency Funding

The Scarborough Land Trust and its partners have been awarded $1.4 million in federal coastal resiliency funding to implement a multi-pronged approach to address the impacts of climate change on Scarborough Marsh. The grant, which is part of a $123 million package announced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), will be used to coordinate and plan for projects, programs, and studies aimed at enhancing the marsh’s resilience to storms, flooding, and sea level rise.

The partnership leading the grant implementation includes the town of Scarborough, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Maine DOT, Maine Audubon, Eastern Trail Alliance, Maine Coast Heritage Trust, and the Governor’s Office of Policy Innovation and the Future. The collaboration highlights the importance of Scarborough Marsh to the community and the state, as it serves as a vital habitat for fish and shellfish, endangered species, and recreational activities, and provides storm buffering.

Over the three-year grant period, the partnering organizations will pool their knowledge and expertise to develop a framework for continued collaboration beyond the grant period. The intent is to establish a foundation for future projects and ensure the long-term health and resilience of Scarborough Marsh.

Scarborough Marsh has faced various challenges due to human activities and climate change. The grant will enable the partners to address these challenges and prepare for future impacts. Maine Audubon, for example, will conduct a feasibility study on its Scarborough Marsh Audubon Center to determine the best course of action for adapting to more frequent flooding. The grant will also support vulnerability studies, open space planning, and climate action planning by the town of Scarborough.

The importance of this grant in safeguarding the health of Scarborough Marsh cannot be overstated. It builds upon past efforts to protect and conserve the marsh and sets the stage for continued collaboration and innovation. The partnership between the Scarborough Land Trust and its partners demonstrates the commitment to ensuring the long-term resilience and vitality of this invaluable natural resource.

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