A wave of horror has swept through Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, following two disturbing incidents involving young children. In one case, a 7-year-old boy named James, a UKG student at a private school near the Khereshwar Dham temple, was allegedly subjected to brutal torture at the hands of his teacher. According to James’s father, Dilip Kumar, the teacher punished his son for forgetting his school bag at home. This punishment, however, escalated to a horrific ordeal.
Dilip Kumar claims that the teacher stripped James, beat him severely, and even administered electric shocks. The boy, traumatized and crying, recounted the incident to his mother upon returning home. The family immediately went to the school to protest, subsequently filing a complaint with the police.
While the school’s principal vehemently denies the allegations, asserting that the claims of electric shocks are false and offering to provide CCTV footage, the police are currently investigating the matter.
In a separate, equally unsettling incident, a class 2 student at a private school in Hathras died under mysterious circumstances. Krishan Kushwaha, the student’s father, received a call from the DL Public School administration informing him that his son had fallen ill. Upon arriving at the school, he was told that the school director, Dinesh Baghel, had taken his son to the hospital. However, when Kushwaha later located his son’s body, it was in Baghel’s car.
Kushwaha filed a police complaint accusing Baghel and four unidentified men of being responsible for his son’s death. The police have booked five individuals, including Baghel, in connection with the case. The deceased child’s body has been sent for a post-mortem examination to determine the cause of death.
These incidents have sent shockwaves through the community and raised serious questions about the safety and well-being of children in schools. The police are actively investigating both cases, aiming to bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure such horrific events are never repeated. The families of both victims are seeking answers and demanding accountability from the schools and individuals involved.