In a heart-wrenching yet heroic act, a 49-year-old school bus driver in Tamil Nadu, Semalaiyappan, saved the lives of at least 20 students moments before succumbing to a suspected heart attack. The incident, which occurred on July 24th in the Tiruppur district, unfolded as Semalaiyappan, driving the school van, was transporting students from the ANV Matric School in Vellakoil to their homes.
While driving, Semalaiyappan experienced a sharp chest pain, a sign of the impending heart attack. Despite the excruciating pain, he managed to maintain control of the vehicle and, with great difficulty, parked the van safely on the roadside. His wife, who worked as a helper at the same school, was inside the van when he collapsed.
Semalaiyappan’s quick thinking and heroic actions prevented a potential tragedy, saving the lives of the children he was entrusted to transport. The incident was quickly brought to light when a picture went viral on X (formerly Twitter), showing Semalaiyappan unconscious in the driver’s seat with students from the school in the background.
The news of Semalaiyappan’s selfless act sparked widespread praise and condolences. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin lauded his bravery, calling it a “humanitarian act” and stating that he would “continue to live through his humanitarian act.” He also announced a ₹ 5 lakh compensation for the driver’s family, which DMK Minister MP Saminathan handed to them via cheque.
School Education Minister Anbil Mahesh also visited the bereaved family, paying his tributes to the brave driver. Netizens echoed the sentiment of admiration and grief, praising Semalaiyappan’s presence of mind and sense of responsibility in such a critical situation.
On Friday, the students and teachers of ANV Matric School paid tribute to the brave van driver, recognizing the profound impact he had on their lives, a testament to his dedication and the extraordinary sacrifice he made.