Scientists Developing Climate-Resilient Potatoes for North America

Federal scientists in Atlantic Canada are embarking on a mission to develop a new breed of potato that can withstand the challenges posed by climate change. Led by Bourlaye Fofana, a research scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the team is delving into the genetic diversity of wild potato varieties from the South American Andes. These wild potatoes possess traits that could enhance the resilience of commercial potato varieties to drought and heat.

With over 5,000 potato varieties worldwide, commercial varieties have become genetically similar, making them vulnerable to disease and climate-related stresses. Fofana emphasizes, “We see a lot of problems because genetic diversity among these cultivated commercial varieties is quite narrow. With climate change and heat waves, this lack of genetic diversity could be a big problem in the future.”

The wild potato varieties being studied by Fofana and his team are diploid, meaning they have two copies of each chromosome, as opposed to the tetraploid nature of most commercial potatoes. This genetic difference simplifies the identification and incorporation of desirable traits in the lab.

Despite their smaller size compared to commercial varieties, the wild potatoes exhibit similar appearance. Since 2014, Fofana has been conducting research on these diploid varieties, yielding promising results. “We are getting clones that are viable in terms of yield, tuber size, and quality,” he says. “We know, for example, the starch content is quite good, and the processing quality is quite good.”

In collaboration with researchers in Kentville, Nova Scotia, and Chile, Fofana’s team has evaluated 384 diploid potato clones for drought tolerance and plant maturity. Of these, 127 clones exhibited late maturity and drought tolerance, while nine demonstrated early to moderate-late maturity and drought tolerance.

Fofana is particularly enthusiastic about the potential of these findings. “Because in our collection, we have diploid (potatoes) that are early maturing, this means you can plant it, and it can give you an expected yield as early as possible,” he explains. “We also have some clones that can grow over a longer period of time.”

The research conducted by Fofana and his team is a significant first step in developing climate-resilient potatoes. The most promising clones are being transferred to the department’s breeding program in Fredericton for further evaluation of size, shape, yield potential, and cooking and processing traits. Successful clones could be released as new potato varieties or utilized in breeding programs to enhance the resilience of commercial varieties.

Building resilience in crops is crucial as climate change intensifies, leading to drier and hotter conditions, even in prime growing areas like Atlantic Canada. “With climate change, the frequency of drought is increasing, especially where water resources are limited,” Fofana notes. “So we need to be proactive and see how we can adapt our crop and cropping system to meet these new challenges.”

This research underscores the importance of preserving genetic diversity and leveraging the potential of wild plant varieties to address the challenges posed by climate change. By incorporating the resilience traits of wild potatoes into commercial varieties, scientists aim to safeguard food security and support sustainable agriculture in a rapidly changing climate.

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