Scoop (2023) Season 1, an Indian Hindi-language crime-thriller drama series directed by Hansal Mehta and Mrunmayee Lagoo Waikul, is available for streaming on Netflix. The series follows Jagruti Pathak, a skilled journalist whose life is turned upside down by a tragic incident. Featuring a talented cast led by Karishma Tanna, Harman Baweja, and Mohd. Zeeshan Ayyub, Scoop has received critical and audience acclaim.
Netflix provides countless hours of uninterrupted entertaining content in the form of films and drama shows to you for streaming easily according to your choice. You can watch Scoop (2023) Season 1 on Netflix by following these steps:
1. Visit the Netflix website or open the Netflix app on your device.
2. Create a Netflix account or log in to your existing account.
3. Search for “Scoop (2023)”.
4. Select the “Season 1” tab.
5. Start watching the series!
Netflix offers three subscription plans:
1. Basic Plan: $9.99 per month. This plan allows you to watch Netflix on one screen at a time, with limited content available in HD.
2. Standard Plan: $15.49 per month. This plan allows you to watch Netflix on two screens simultaneously, with most content available in HD.
3. Premium Plan: $19.99 per month. This plan allows you to watch Netflix on four screens at a time, with all content available in HD and Ultra HD.
You can also watch Scoop (2023) Season 1 on Netflix by downloading the episodes to your device. This feature is available for both the Standard and Premium plans.
The official synopsis for Scoop (2023) Season 1 is as follows:
A Hollywood movie and series buff who loves binging all things right from Marvel to Netflix followed by Kardashians ! A writer at heart always !