Singapore Airlines Pays Indian Couple Over $2,400 for Malfunctioning Business Class Seats

A police chief from Telangana, India, and his wife have won a compensation of $2,400 from Singapore Airlines after experiencing a malfunctioning business class seat. Despite paying $800 each for their tickets, the couple had to manually adjust their seats due to a faulty automatic recline feature. The incident, which occurred in May last year, left the couple disappointed and uncomfortable throughout their journey. When they raised the issue with the airline, they were offered frequent flyer miles as compensation, which they rejected. They subsequently filed a complaint with the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, which ruled in their favor and ordered Singapore Airlines to pay them $2,400 for mental agony and physical suffering. The airline has confirmed the existence of the faulty seat and stated that the manual recline function was operational during the flight. However, the couple maintained that they were forced to adjust the seat manually and were unable to fully recline it, which caused them significant discomfort and distress. The compensation awarded to the couple reflects the growing trend of consumers taking legal action against airlines for providing inadequate services or causing inconvenience during flights.

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