Smaller Rugby Ball for Women’s Game Under Consideration

Currently, the possibility of adopting a smaller ball (size 4.5) in women’s rugby is being investigated. The proposed ball is approximately 3-4% lighter and 3% smaller than the current size 5 ball. This move stems from the recognition that female hands are generally 10% smaller than those of males. Lindsay Starling, Science and Medical Manager for World Rugby, opines that a smaller ball would be more proportionate to the size of women’s hands, resulting in improved grip, reduced knock-ons, increased passing speed and accuracy, fewer scrums and rucks, and enhanced lineout throws and kicking distances.

The proposal elicits mixed reactions. The head coach of the women’s team acknowledges that a smaller ball could facilitate increased participation among younger players. Trials have commenced in the Women’s Under-18s tournament and Celtic Challenge sides. England wing Abby Breach expresses interest in the outcome but asserts her contentment with the current size 5 ball.

The research and trials aim to determine the potential benefits and drawbacks of a smaller ball in women’s rugby. The ultimate decision on whether to adopt the change will be based on the gathered data and feedback from players, coaches, and other stakeholders.

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