Sony Reon Pocket 5: Wearable Climate Control for All Seasons

Sony has unveiled the Reon Pocket 5, a wearable climate control gadget that sits beneath your clothes and keeps you comfortable all year round.

Controlled via a smartphone app, the Reon Pocket 5 offers three temperature modes: Warming, Cooling, and Smart. The Smart mode automatically adjusts the temperature based on your body temperature, motion, and the outside temperature.

The Reon Pocket 5 comes with two neck bands in different sizes and colors to ensure a comfortable fit under any clothing. It also includes a Reon Pocket Tag that clips onto the outside of your clothes to measure the outside temperature and humidity.

With its quick-adjusting temperature modes and long-lasting battery life, the Sony Reon Pocket 5 is the perfect solution for staying comfortable in any environment. Whether you’re commuting to work on a cold winter morning or running errands on a hot summer day, the Reon Pocket 5 will keep you at the perfect temperature.

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