Sourdough Bread on a Plane Sparks Outrage on Social Media

An Instagram user, Maria Baradell, shared a video of herself baking sourdough bread while on a flight to Spain. Her intention was to surprise her sister with a fresh loaf upon arrival, but her unconventional baking session sparked a wave of backlash on social media.

The video, viewed over 1.2 million times, drew criticism from numerous users, many of whom identified themselves as flight attendants. They expressed disgust and concern about the potential for contamination in the enclosed space of an airplane. One user, a flight attendant, wrote, “I’m a flight attendant and I hate people like you.” Another added, “Ewwww. On the last flight, some unhygienic passenger clipped his toe nails on that table and another one puked on it. Needless to say that the armrest you’re touching, is where some dudes’ unwashed hands from the lavatory were as well. Another woman changed the baby’s diaper, since the bathroom wasn’t “sanitary” enough in her opinion. I’ve seen it all – believe me. Now there’s you, kneading and folding sourdough. Enjoy your germ-bread. That’s an airplane – not a bakery. Learn some manners, people….”

Beyond concerns about hygiene, many users also highlighted the potential risks for passengers with allergies. One commenter wrote, “Looks really cute but please don’t do it in planes, it’s a really closed place and a celiac could suffer an intoxication, the flour can easily “fly” and spread. I know there is HEPA in the plane but is not instantaneous, so please avoid to do it in closed public places if you can not want to ruin some days of someone’s holidays.” Another user echoed this sentiment, stating, “This is inconsiderate for all the people on the plane allergic to wheat and/or gluten. If I was sat next to you, I would ask for a new seat immediately and a full refund because it would make me sick for several weeks to just inhale the flour. Please be more considerate next time.”

The backlash highlights the ongoing debate surrounding personal behavior and acceptable actions within shared public spaces. While some might view baking bread on a plane as a harmless, even creative endeavor, others see it as a breach of etiquette and a potential health risk for fellow passengers.

Baradell later shared a video showcasing the finished product, a perfectly baked sourdough loaf, adding fuel to the fire of the online discussion. The incident serves as a reminder that even seemingly harmless activities can spark controversy in today’s connected world.

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