South African Weather Service Forecasts Warm Conditions, Fire Danger Warnings

South Africa braces for warm conditions, fire danger warnings

The South African Weather Service (SAWS) has issued forecasts for the coming days, predicting fine and warm to hot conditions in several provinces. However, extremely high fire danger conditions are anticipated in specific areas of the Northern Cape.

Gauteng and Mpumalanga:

Fine and warm conditions are expected, turning hot in the north and Lowveld. The UVB sunburn index is anticipated to be extreme.

Limpopo and North West:

Fine and warm to hot temperatures are predicted.

Free State:

Fine and warm conditions are expected.

Northern Cape:

Morning fog patches are anticipated along the coast and adjacent interior, where cloudy conditions will prevail initially. Otherwise, fine and cool to warm, but hot temperatures are forecast in the east.

Western Cape:

Cool conditions are expected along the coastal areas, with morning fog patches. The central and north-eastern interior will experience partly cloudy and warm conditions. Cloudy conditions are predicted over the western and south-western coastal areas from the evening.

Eastern Cape:

Cloudy conditions with morning fog are forecast for the western half of the province, transitioning to partly cloudy and cool conditions. However, the north will remain fine and warm. Light rain is possible along the coast and north-east of Kei Mouth.


Cloudy conditions are expected in the south and east, while partly cloudy and cool to warm conditions are predicted elsewhere. Isolated showers and rain are possible in the south-east.

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