SpaceX to Build ‘Space Tug’ to Safely Deorbit International Space Station

The International Space Station (ISS), orbiting Earth at a distance of 250 miles, is nearing the end of its life after more than two decades in low-Earth orbit. NASA, along with its international partners, has a plan for its safe decommissioning. In about six years, a specially designed ‘space tug,’ officially known as the U.S. Deorbit Vehicle (USDV), will guide the ISS to a predetermined location for a controlled descent. The ISS will then plunge back into Earth’s atmosphere and mostly burn up.

NASA has chosen SpaceX to build this crucial space tug, awarding them a contract worth $843 million. The announcement came after a competitive bidding process, with SpaceX emerging as the best choice.

“As the agency transitions to commercially owned space destinations closer to home, it is crucial to prepare for the safe and responsible deorbit of the International Space Station in a controlled manner after the end of its operational life in 2030,” NASA stated. The agency emphasized that SpaceX’s selection ensures a safe and responsible transition in low-Earth orbit as the station’s operational life concludes.

Ken Bowersox, NASA’s associate administrator for Space Operations Mission Directorate, highlighted the ISS as a “blueprint for science, exploration, and partnerships in space for the benefit of all.” He further underscored the importance of selecting the U.S. Deorbit Vehicle to ensure a smooth and secure transition.

After SpaceX completes the development of the deorbit spacecraft, NASA will assume ownership and operate it throughout its critical mission. The space tug is also expected to burn up upon reentry, alongside the ISS.

While most of the ISS is expected to burn up during reentry, there’s a possibility that some parts might survive. To mitigate this, NASA plans to target a specific area for reentry – Point Nemo in the Pacific Ocean, known as the “space cemetery” due to its remote location and frequent use for controlled descents of space debris.

The importance of a precise reentry strategy was highlighted recently when a piece of space debris from the ISS landed on a Florida home. A part of a SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft also unexpectedly landed in North Carolina. Both incidents served as a reminder of the potential risks associated with uncontrolled reentry.

The U.S., Japan, Canada, and nations contributing to the European Space Agency have committed to operating the station and sending astronauts until 2030. Russia has also committed to continued operations until at least 2028.

Currently, in its 24th year of continuous crewed operations, NASA describes the ISS as “a unique scientific platform” where astronauts conduct experiments in various disciplines, including Earth and space science, biology, human physiology, physical sciences, and technology demonstrations.

The future of space exploration sees commercially built space stations replacing the ISS in low-Earth orbit. In addition to the transition to private space stations, NASA is pursuing a more ambitious goal: building a permanent base on the moon. This lunar base will serve as a long-duration mission outpost, similar to the ISS, where astronauts will live and work.

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