Spain and Morocco Contemplate High-Speed Train Link Across Strait of Gibraltar

In 1979, plans were considered to build a railway tunnel connecting Spain and Morocco, though it never progressed beyond discussions. Recently, Spain’s Transport Minister has rekindled interest in this ambitious venture, which could soon take form as momentum builds for a high-speed rail link between the two nations. The Strait of Gibraltar has long acted as a conduit between Europe and Africa, both geographically and culturally. A prospective tunnel now promises to solidify this connection with a tangible link. This tunnel would accommodate a high-speed train, drastically reducing travel times between the two countries. Currently, travel between Spain and Morocco mainly consists of ferry services and flights. A typical car journey spans approximately nine hours, including a ferry crossing. Direct flights from Madrid to Tangier last just over an hour. While these methods offer picturesque views, they tend to be slow. A high-speed train, on the other hand, would provide a quicker, more comfortable, and potentially cheaper alternative. Furthermore, the project might be completed in time for the 2030 FIFA World Cup, set to be co-hosted by Morocco, Spain, and Portugal. Reports suggest that the total train journey could last about five and a half hours, including stops in cities like Madrid and Casablanca, offering a greener travel choice. The proposed tunnel route would extend from Punta Paloma in Spain to Punta Malabata in Morocco, diving as deep as 300 meters and maintaining a steady gradient. The tunnel’s proposed length is 27.6 kilometers, and its construction is expected to cost billions of euros.

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