Spain’s Extremadura Welcomes Digital Nomads with Generous Grants

Nestled in the Spanish countryside, Extremadura is facing a declining population. In a bid to attract new residents and revitalize its rural communities, the region is rolling out the red carpet for digital nomads with a generous incentive program. The initiative, known as ‘Live in Ambroz,’ is specifically targeting the Ambroz Valley, an area significantly affected by population decline.

Extremadura is offering grants of up to €15,000 (approximately ₹14,00,000) to digital nomads who commit to relocating to the region for a minimum of two years. This financial support is intended to ease the transition and encourage individuals to establish a new life in the picturesque valley.

Beyond the financial incentive, the ‘Live in Ambroz’ program provides comprehensive support to help digital nomads settle into their new surroundings. This includes detailed information on available housing, arable land, and other essential resources. The aim is to ensure a smooth transition and create a welcoming environment for newcomers.

Extremadura is a region rich in natural beauty and cultural heritage. It boasts stunning landscapes, including the Monfragüe National Park and the Cornalvo Natural Park, offering opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to immerse themselves in nature. The region also boasts several UNESCO World Heritage sites, including the Old Town of Cáceres and the Archaeological Ensemble of Mérida, providing a glimpse into Spain’s rich history.

This initiative is not just about attracting digital nomads but also about creating a vibrant and sustainable community in the Ambroz Valley. The hope is that these newcomers will contribute to the local economy and bring a fresh perspective to the area.

Eligibility for the program is limited to highly skilled digital nomads working in the tech industry who have not resided in Extremadura for the past six months. Foreign applicants must possess legal residency in Spain, which can be obtained through options such as the digital nomad visa. Additionally, a digital certificate or an electronic ID issued by Spain is required.

Applications for the ‘Live in Ambroz’ program are set to open in mid-September, welcoming those seeking a slower-paced lifestyle in the beautiful Spanish countryside. This initiative represents a proactive approach by Extremadura to address rural depopulation and create a thriving community for the future. It’s an opportunity for digital nomads to experience authentic Spanish living, surrounded by breathtaking scenery and historical landmarks, while contributing to the revitalization of a charming rural region.

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