Spider-Man’s Origin Redefined: A New Mentor Imparts Timeless Wisdom

“With great power comes great responsibility.” These words have guided Spider-Man’s journey for over 60 years, first uttered by Peter Parker’s beloved Uncle Ben. However, in the latest issue of Ultimate Spider-Man, a surprising twist unfolds as these words are imparted by a very different character, Harry Osborn, who reveals his own secret identity as the Green Goblin. As Peter and Harry share a private moment during a double dinner date with their spouses, Harry questions Peter about revealing his identity to Mary Jane. Peter confides his hesitation, but Harry surprises him by acknowledging Peter’s destiny. He speaks of the great power Peter possesses, emphasizing the responsibility that comes with it. Harry’s words resonate deeply with Peter, who has always struggled with balancing his personal life with his superhero duties. It’s intriguing to witness Peter receiving this timeless wisdom from a fellow hero rather than a father figure. Moreover, Harry’s own experience of losing his father in the same terrorist attack that took Peter’s Aunt May creates a unique connection between them. This shift in the origin narrative raises questions about the significance of Aunt May’s death and the potential for an even greater tragedy in Peter’s future. As the story continues in Ultimate Spider-Man #5, readers eagerly anticipate the further development of Peter’s journey and the impact of Harry’s mentorship on his path as Spider-Man.

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