Spiritual Leader Warns of Human Extinction Without Action on Climate Change

As the world observes Earth Day, renowned Indian spiritual leader and environmental activist Sadhguru has issued a dire warning: humanity faces the possibility of extinction unless we take immediate and substantial steps to address climate change.

Sadhguru, a yogi and mystic, believes that the environmental disasters we experience today are mere precursors to what could unfold in the coming decades if we continue on our current path. He foresees a future marked by widespread floods, cyclones, and droughts, leading to agricultural disruptions and threatening food security.

“Once there are food shortages, there will be civil unrest, which will be uncontrollable,” he says. “And when biodiversity is lost, it means the very foundation stones of our existence are being undone.”

Sadhguru stresses that the next two decades are critical. If we fail to act decisively, it’s not just the planet that’s in jeopardy—it’s humanity itself. He argues that managing fossil fuel emissions is important, but combating soil degradation should be the primary focus of countries in the fight against climate change.

“Soil is the easiest step,” he explains. Much of the world’s soil is currently unproductive and a significant source of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. A 2022 report estimated that over 40% of the world’s land is already degraded, and this number is projected to increase significantly by 2050.

Sadhguru believes that revitalizing agricultural soil could significantly mitigate the effects of climate change within the next 15 years. “Whether you want to fix or reverse climate change, or do carbon sequestration, or limit rising temperatures, or resolve water scarcity, we need to fix the soil,” he says.

He highlights the crucial role of soil as a carbon sink. When soil is covered in vegetation and contains sufficient organic matter, it absorbs atmospheric carbon. “Soil contains three times the carbon that the atmosphere contains,” he says. “If soil is healthy, it’s one of the best carbon sinks on the planet.”

Sadhguru’s Save Soil movement advocates for governments to require agricultural soil to contain a minimum of 3 to 6% organic content. The movement proposes a three-part strategy to incentivize farmers, make carbon credits accessible to them, and promote produce from soil with higher organic matter.

“If we have any commitment to life on this planet, if we have any commitment to future generations, this is a must-do for every nation,” Sadhguru says. “The first and foremost thing is to enshrine soil and ecological regeneration as part of every nation’s policy.”

While some experts have raised questions about the feasibility of Save Soil’s goals, Sadhguru remains steadfast in his belief that it’s an essential step in safeguarding the planet and humanity’s future.

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