Sprints Issue Statement After Frontwoman Karla Chubb Experiences Second Sexual Assault on Tour

Sprints have issued a statement after frontwoman Karla Chubb was sexually assaulted at a show. The band addressed the situation on Sunday (April 21), explaining that this was the second time during their ongoing tour that an incident like this has occurred.

“Yesterday Karla was sexually assaulted for the second time on the ‘Letter To Self’ tour. The fact that this has occurred twice is abhorrent, the fact that it still happens at all is disgusting. We will not stand for it and we will not be silent about it,” began their statement.

They continued: “Female performers should be able to engage with their audience, step off the stage or perform without fear of groping, unwanted touching, cat-calling and harassment. The fact that this is still an everyday occurrence for most women is beyond reprehensible.

“To those who noticed and called out the behaviour yesterday, thank you. To those of you responsible for the behaviour, shame on you. Do better.”

Sprints are set to wrap up their tour within the next two weeks. They are currently making their way through Ireland with their next gig taking place on April 25 at Coughlans in Cork.

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