Stallone’s Shocking Injury Revelation: How a Weightlifting Accident Forced a Major Change in ‘Rocky II’

In a recent interview, Sylvester Stallone revealed the shocking details of a weightlifting accident that nearly jeopardized his career. While training with Arnold Schwarzenegger’s coach, Stallone severely tore his pectoral muscle, leaving him unable to use his left arm for filming ‘Rocky II.’

Determined to keep the movie on track, he swiftly adjusted the fight choreography, switching Rocky’s signature left-handed punches to right-handed ones. This unexpected change resulted in a significant twist in the film’s narrative.

Stallone recalled the incident, stating that he felt like his career was over since filming for ‘Rocky II’ was set to begin in a month and a half. Despite the severity of the injury, Stallone refused to stop production and instead came up with a creative solution to accommodate his limitation.

The actor’s determination and resilience allowed him to press on and complete the film, leaving an unforgettable mark on cinematic history.

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