Steam Cracks Down on Unhelpful Reviews, Prioritizes Purchase Decisions

Steam is taking a stand against unhelpful user reviews, introducing a new system designed to improve the quality of information available to users making purchase decisions. This update, rolled out in beta and currently active by default, aims to rank reviews based on their helpfulness, pushing valuable reviews to the top and less relevant ones to the bottom.

The platform will utilize a combination of user reporting and machine learning algorithms to determine the quality of reviews. This means that comments that offer helpful information about a game, even if they are short, will be prioritized over those that are primarily for entertainment or humor. However, Steam acknowledges that using an algorithm isn’t perfect and that some truly helpful reviews might be just a word or two long.

While Steam is cracking down on unhelpful reviews, it’s not entirely eliminating the ability to add humor or memes to reviews. The platform clarifies that reviews deemed unhelpful for potential customers, including one-word reviews, ASCII art, or primarily humorous content, will be pushed to the bottom of the review list. This doesn’t mean these reviews will completely disappear, but users will see them less frequently when looking for information about a game.

For those who prefer the traditional review order, they can opt out of this new system by toggling off the “Use new helpfulness system” option found on each game’s store page. Users can also report reviews they find unhelpful.

Beyond reviewing changes, Steam is also taking steps to improve the overall quality of content on its platform. In September, they are implementing new rules for store page descriptions, prohibiting links to other websites or games unless they are in dedicated sections. This is intended to reduce confusion for players and elevate the overall quality of descriptions.

These are just a few of the recent changes Steam is implementing, which also include improved Steam Family features and native Game Recording, currently available in beta. These updates demonstrate Steam’s commitment to enhancing the user experience and providing a more efficient and helpful platform for gamers.

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