In the magical world of Gaya, inhabited by curious semi-human creatures called the Snurks, a crisis is brewing. Their life-sustaining Dalamite stone has vanished, threatening the very existence of their enchanting realm. Enter Zino and Boo, two brave Snurks who, along with the spirited princess Alanta, set out on a perilous quest to retrieve the stone. Their journey leads them through a hidden world teeming with wondrous discoveries and unexpected alliances.
‘Back to Gaya’ unfolds as a captivating tale of courage, friendship, and the power of unity. With vibrant animation and a heartwarming storyline, it’s a perfect watch for kids of all ages. Now streaming on Amazon Prime Video, ‘Back to Gaya’ offers an immersive escape into a magical realm where imagination and adventure collide. So, gather the family and embark on this extraordinary journey today!