Prepare to be captivated by ‘Maya the Bee: The Golden Orb’, an enchanting animated comedy now available on Peacock. Based on the cherished 1975 anime and book, this movie follows the extraordinary adventures of Maya, a cheerful bee, and her unwavering friend Willi. Together, they navigate the vibrant world of their hive, experiencing both the joys and challenges that come with friendship. One sunny spring day, Maya and Willi find their harmonious existence disrupted. They are faced with an unexpected separation that tests the strength of their bond. However, a glimmer of hope appears when they are entrusted with a crucial mission: helping a desperate green ant. As Maya and Willi embark on this thrilling quest, they encounter a myriad of colorful characters, including Benson Jack Anthony as the loyal Willi, Frances Berry as the wise Rumba, and Christian Charisiou as the lovable Bumblus. Their journey is filled with laughter, heartwarming moments, and valuable lessons about the true nature of friendship. Don’t miss out on the chance to stream ‘Maya the Bee: The Golden Orb’ on Peacock. It’s an animated delight that will enchant audiences of all ages, leaving them with a lasting sense of joy and inspiration.