Student Contents Insurance: Protect Your Belongings Before Moving Out

The excitement of university life is just around the corner, with halls and private landlords awaiting new students. But before you settle into your new digs, there’s one crucial aspect to consider: protecting your belongings. While thinking about insurance might not be the most thrilling part of moving out, it’s absolutely essential.

Recent research from revealed that over half (58%) of UK students lack contents insurance, despite the fact that one in twenty has experienced a break-in during their university years. This highlights the importance of having adequate coverage to safeguard your valuables.

Saga’s home insurance expert, Anna Thunstrom, advises checking if your parents’ insurance policy already covers you. Some standard policies may automatically provide theft or loss protection while you’re in temporary accommodation, provided your parents’ home remains your primary residence. However, it’s crucial to understand the scope of coverage and confirm whether it extends to items stored in your student accommodation.

How Much Does Student Contents Insurance Cost?

According to, the average annual cost of student contents insurance is £72. However, the price can fluctuate based on various factors, including your location, the value of your belongings, and whether you use them away from home.

Here’s a breakdown of average costs:


Standard Coverage:

£72 per year

High-Value Items:

£80 per year

Non-High Value Items, Used Only in Student Accommodation:

£62 per year

If your parents’ insurance covers your belongings, it typically provides coverage for items within your temporary home and while travelling to and from your parents’ address. However, it’s essential to remember that this coverage often excludes items used outside your temporary home, and may not extend to accidental damage.

Protecting Your Belongings: Choosing Your Own Contents Insurance

Fortunately, you can purchase your own contents insurance. Online comparison websites like Compare The Market and Money Supermarket can help you find the best policy for your needs. When choosing a policy, ensure it offers coverage for items stored in a bedroom with a lockable door, as this is often a requirement for claims.

It’s important to note that standard policies may not cover accidental damage to valuables, such as broken tech or items damaged during parties. For comprehensive protection, consider a separate policy specifically covering accidental damage.

Landlord’s Responsibilities and Tenants’ Insurance

Beyond personal belongings, tenants also need to address potential issues within their rented accommodation. Saga’s research found that a significant portion of tenants feel dissatisfied with their landlord’s responses to problems, with common issues including mould and damp, maintenance and repairs, and boiler breakdowns. These situations highlight the importance of tenants’ insurance.

Tenants’ insurance typically provides cover for damage to the landlord’s property caused by the tenant, as well as protection against events like fire, theft, and personal liability. It’s crucial to note that tenants’ insurance may not cover extensive fire damage, which would typically be handled by the landlord’s buildings insurance policy.

Taking Action: Prioritize Your Insurance Coverage

Before you embark on your university adventure, ensure you have adequate insurance coverage for your belongings and for your responsibilities as a tenant. Taking the time to review your insurance options and address any potential risks will provide you with peace of mind and protect you from unforeseen challenges. It’s a smart investment in your future well-being.

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