Students Across the U.S Demand Divestment from Israel to End Gaza Conflict

A growing number of U.S. colleges and universities are witnessing student protests demanding divestment from Israel and companies empowering its military operations in Gaza. These protests are part of a long-standing campaign against Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians, which has gained momentum as the Israel-Hamas war continues and calls for a cease-fire intensify. Inspired by the arrests of over 100 students at Columbia University last week, students from Massachusetts to California have established tent encampments on campuses and pledged to stay until their demands are met. Columbia protest leader Mahmoud Khalil emphasizes the need for universities to address the ongoing ‘genocide’ in Gaza and cease investments that contribute to it. The student demands vary from campus to campus, including ceasing business with military weapons manufacturers supplying arms to Israel, rejecting research funding from Israel for projects aiding its military efforts, and refraining from investing college endowments with money managers who profit from Israeli companies or contractors. They also call for greater transparency regarding investments received from Israel. Some student governments have passed resolutions calling for an end to investments and academic partnerships with Israel, such as at Columbia, Harvard Law, Rutgers, and American University. University officials have expressed a willingness to engage in dialogue with students and respect their right to protest. However, they emphasize concerns raised by Jewish students regarding antisemitic sentiments and actions, which they will not tolerate. Some universities, such as American University, have rejected resolutions calling for divestment, citing threats to academic freedom and inclusion. Opponents of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement argue that its message borders on antisemitism, and over 30 states have enacted laws blocking agencies from hiring companies supporting the movement. President Biden has condemned both antisemitic protests and a lack of understanding of the Palestinian situation. Despite university concerns, students remain resolute in holding their institutions accountable for any role they play in supporting Israel’s military. They are seeking greater transparency, an end to financial investments with Israel, and a response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. As the semester draws to a close, students at Harvard and Yale are demanding greater transparency alongside their calls for divestment. At Emerson College, students have occupied a courtyard, setting up tents and vowing to stay until their demands are met. Despite the challenges, students across the U.S. remain committed to raising awareness and pressuring universities to address their concerns about Israel’s actions in Gaza.

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