Sudocrem Pronunciation Sparks Online Debate

The internet has been buzzing with a rather unexpected topic – the pronunciation of Sudocrem. The iconic cream, known for its versatility in treating everything from nappy rash to sunburn, has become the subject of much debate on social media platform X, formerly Twitter.

It all started with a user’s humorous observation: “Today’s raging argument in these parts is how to pronounce ‘Sudocrem’. Too much to hope for this is a sign of Twitter returning to being a place of pointless nonsense rather than fascist bile?” The post sparked a flurry of responses, with users chiming in with their own interpretations of the word.

Some people strongly advocated for the more common ‘Soo-duh-krem’, while others maintained that it should be pronounced ‘Sudocream’. A third user even quipped, “There is an argument about whether it is ‘Sudocrem’ or ‘Sudocream’. It is neither.” The discussion took an amusing turn when another user reminisced about their childhood memories, declaring: “I remember this stuff when I was a kid. It’s not pronounced Sudocrem or Sudocream it was pronounced “MUUUUUUUUMMM!”

So, what’s the official pronunciation? According to Google, the correct way to say it is ‘Soo-duh-krem’.

The origins of the name Sudocrem can be traced back to its creator, Dublin pharmacist Thomas Smith. Initially known as “Smith’s Cream” and later as “Soothing Cream”, it eventually adopted the moniker Sudocrem in 1950. The name is a direct reflection of the Dublin accent, where “soothing cream” is pronounced as “Suud-ing crem”.

Sudocrem, still produced in the Dublin suburb of Baldoyle, is exported to over 50 countries worldwide. It remains a popular remedy for a wide range of ailments, including nappy rash, eczema, bedsores, minor burns, surface wounds, and sunburns.

While the pronunciation of Sudocrem may be a matter of debate, one thing remains certain – it’s a product that continues to hold a special place in many hearts and homes, thanks to its effectiveness and versatility.

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