Supermodel Elle Macpherson Reveals Her Holistic Approach to Breast Cancer

Elle Macpherson, the legendary supermodel who graced the covers of countless magazines in the 1980s, has opened up about her personal battle with breast cancer. In her newly released memoir, ‘Elle,’ she candidly shares her experience with the disease and the unconventional path she chose to navigate its challenges.

Macpherson’s journey began seven years ago when she was diagnosed with HER2-positive breast cancer, a particularly aggressive form of the disease. This revelation came as a shock, following a previous diagnosis of a benign fibroadenoma in 2013. Despite the gravity of the situation, Macpherson chose to reject traditional treatments like surgery and chemotherapy in favor of a holistic approach. She explains, “I felt it was my opportunity to find a solution that resonated with me.”

This decision wasn’t without its challenges. Macpherson acknowledges the difficulty of turning down conventional treatments, admitting that many people considered her choice unconventional. She describes the process of finding her own truth, saying, “It meant facing the physical aspects of cancer, but it also meant facing the emotional, and that takes courage.”

Her sons, Flynn (26) and Cy (21), had differing reactions to her decision, but ultimately, her family remained supportive. Today, Macpherson reports that she is in clinical remission and feels healthier than ever. She says, “I can say I am completely healthy. I really am! All my blood tests, scans, and imagery are really good. I’m healthy in every way… not just physically, but emotionally, spiritually, mentally.”

Macpherson’s story is a testament to the power of personal choice and the importance of finding what works best for you, even when faced with a life-altering diagnosis. Her willingness to share her experience and her unwavering commitment to holistic healing offers a powerful message of hope and resilience to others facing similar challenges.

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