Supermoon September 2023: Zodiac Predictions for Every Sign

September’s Supermoon, a celestial event that will bring a surge of energy, is upon us! But how will this cosmic influence affect each zodiac sign? Renowned astrologer Inbaal reveals her exclusive predictions for the month ahead, focusing on the Supermoon’s impact on each sign.

The Supermoon’s Influence

Inbaal states that the Supermoon in Pisces, on September 18th, will amplify intuition and imagination, making it a time for heightened sensitivity and emotional awareness. While this may bring a sense of comfort to Pisces and Cancer, signs like Virgo and Taurus may struggle to adjust to this heightened emotional energy.

Zodiac Sign Predictions

Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

This is your season, Virgo! Embrace new beginnings and ambitions, and capitalize on Mercury’s influence in your sign from September 9th to 26th. This period is favorable for securing job opportunities and enjoying a sense of achievement and well-being.

Libra (September 23 – October 22):

Prepare for a month of grace and luck, Libra! Venus, the planet of love, graces your sign for the first three weeks, bringing harmony and love. In the final days, Mercury’s presence brings opportunities for career advancements and positive news.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

After a whirlwind of change, Pluto returns to Capricorn on September 3rd, bringing a shift toward ambition, focus, and even a touch of materialism for the next two and a half months. Embrace this period of grounded energy.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

Jupiter’s presence in Gemini throughout September enhances your sociable and fun-loving spirit, making it a month for parties, adventures, and indulging in your favorite pastimes.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):

Pluto makes its final pass through your sign this month, marking a period of intense transformations and unexpected turns. Embrace the last opportunity for growth and change before Pluto departs for the next 200 years.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

Pluto’s brief presence in your sign for the first two and a half days of September brings opportunities for transformation. Be open to change and seize any opportunities that come your way, as this period signifies a larger shift toward social change and humanitarian efforts.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

September 18th marks a magical night for you, Pisces! The Supermoon in your sign, coupled with Neptune and Saturn’s presence, empowers you to pursue your dreams and manifest your desires. Trust your intuition and embrace this potent period for personal growth and achievement.

Aries (March 21 – April 19):

After a month of adventure, Mars moves into Cancer on September 5th, bringing a shift towards family and romance. Embrace this more sensitive side and indulge in quality time with loved ones and romantic outings.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20):

Venus in Libra brings a soothing and home-loving energy for the first three weeks of September, allowing you to relax and recharge. However, as Venus moves into Scorpio in the final week, you may find yourself seeking excitement and venturing out.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21):

With Jupiter and Mars in your sign, September is a month brimming with luck and passion. Embrace this double blessing and use your charisma and energy to connect with others and pursue your passions.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

Mars enters your sign on September 5th, bringing a burst of energy, motivation, and fiery passion. This period may spark conflicts, but it also empowers you to stand up for yourself and express your feelings with clarity.

Leo (July 23 – August 22):

Mercury’s presence in Leo until September 9th brings a boost to communication, making it an excellent time to secure job opportunities, finalize contracts, and pursue new ventures. Embrace the luck and act quickly, as this period ends on the 10th.

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