Supreme Court Calls for Action Against Misleading Advertisements and Unethical Medical Practices

The Supreme Court of India has directed the central and state licensing authorities to step up their efforts in combating misleading advertisements, particularly in the healthcare sector. During a recent hearing, the court expressed alarm over the proliferation of deceptive commercials and questioned the Centre’s inaction on an August 2023 letter from the Ministry of Ayush instructing licensing authorities to refrain from any action under rule 170 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.

The court also criticized the Indian Medical Association (IMA) for alleged unethical conduct among its members, specifically the prescription of overly expensive medicines for valuable consideration. The bench highlighted that these practices not only exploit patients financially but also undermine the integrity of the profession.

The court emphasized that the public should not be misled by false or exaggerated advertising claims. It urged the authorities to take immediate measures to curb such practices and protect the interests of consumers. The court’s directive serves as a reminder of the importance of ethical standards and consumer protection in the healthcare industry.

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