This documentary, inspired by a popular podcast, delves into the tumultuous and transformative 1990s fashion scene. Witness the rise of supermodels, the evolution of red carpet style, and the legendary designers who shaped the decade. Through the eyes of Vogue editors Anna Wintour, Hamish Bowles, and Toni Goodman, prepare to be captivated by the defining stories of the era.
Results for: 1990s Fashion
The 1990s saw a surge in fashion demand, and designers responded with secondary lines like Versus Versace. This co-ed label, led by Donatella Versace, offered a blend of glamorous evening wear and bold, clashing prints, capturing the spirit of the era.
The 1990s witnessed a dramatic shift in fashion, moving away from the excessive opulence of the 80s and embracing minimalism, grunge, and cyber aesthetics. The rise of supermodels like Cindy Crawford and Kate Moss defined the decade’s style, while technological advancements fueled the rise of cyber-fashion.