Trump Lawyer Lowers Expectations for Acquittal in Hush Money Trial

Donald Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, has expressed pessimism about the former president’s chances of avoiding conviction in an ongoing hush money payment trial in New York. Habba told Newsmax on Wednesday that she does not have high hopes that New York’s justice system will treat Trump fairly, citing the state’s blue status. She described the legal battle as the fight of their lives, employing rhetoric often used by Trump’s supporters. Habba has repeatedly echoed the baseless claims of persecution, alleging that President Joe Biden orchestrated the prosecution as a political attack.

Support for Legal Abortion Reaches Record High

A recent Quinnipiac University survey indicates that support for legal abortion in the United States has reached a record high, with 66% of voters expressing their support. This significant increase in support is corroborated by other surveys conducted in the past decade. Notably, 34% of voters now support legal abortion in all cases, a record high. These findings coincide with the increased importance voters are placing on abortion rights in the upcoming 2024 elections, as evidenced by a Bloomberg/Morning Consult survey. As voters in several states prepare to decide on restrictive abortion laws enacted in the wake of Roe v. Wade’s reversal, the issue remains a crucial factor in shaping voter opinions.

Pennsylvania Senate Race Heats Up as Casey and McCormick Win Primaries

Democratic Sen. Bob Casey and Republican challenger David McCormick will face off in Pennsylvania’s high-stakes U.S. Senate contest this fall. The race is expected to cost hundreds of millions of dollars and could help decide control of the Senate next year. Casey, seeking his fourth term, is a well-known politician and a stalwart of the Democratic Party, while McCormick is a two-time Senate challenger and former hedge fund CEO. McCormick has consolidated the party around his candidacy and is backed by a super PAC that has already reported raising more than $20 million. The Senate candidates will share a ticket with candidates for president in a state that is critical to whether Democrats can maintain control of the White House and the Senate.

EMILY’s List Targets 14 Potential Republican VP Candidates for Anti-Abortion Stance

In the lead-up to the 2024 elections, EMILY’s List, a pro-abortion rights organization, has issued a warning to 14 potential Republican VP candidates for their hardline stance on abortion. The group has previously used this strategy to target vulnerable House Republicans, especially in swing districts, by drawing attention to their abortion records. EMILY’s List President Jessica Mackler reinforced this message, stating, “A Trump presidency will mean a national abortion ban is on the menu, and whichever extremist he picks as his running mate will not change that.” Abortion has emerged as a key issue for the 2024 election, with Trump often taking credit for the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022.

Pennsylvania Primaries to Set Stage for High-Stakes Senate Race Between Casey and McCormick

Pennsylvania’s primaries on Tuesday will determine the candidates for a crucial U.S. Senate race between incumbent Democrat Bob Casey and Republican challenger David McCormick. With hundreds of millions of dollars expected to be spent on the race, its outcome could impact the balance of power in the Senate next year. Casey, seeking his fourth term, faces a strong challenge from McCormick, a hedge fund CEO who has already raised significant funds and consolidated support within the GOP. The Senate candidates will share a ticket with presidential candidates, with Joe Biden and Donald Trump expected to easily secure their party nominations. Democrats are attacking McCormick on issues such as abortion rights and his opposition to investing in China, while McCormick accuses Casey of supporting harmful Biden policies. The outcome of the Senate race could determine which party controls the Senate in 2024.

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