Valve Closes Steam Refund Loophole for Early Access and Advanced Access Games

Valve has revised its refund policy on Steam to address a loophole that allowed players to complete games before the official release date and still receive a refund. Previously, early access and advanced access games were exempt from the two-hour playtime limit, but this has now been changed. The revised policy states that any playtime in an early access or advanced access game will count towards the two-hour refund limit, and the 14-day refund period will not start until the release date.

Valve Updates Steam Refund Policy to Close Advanced Access Loophole

Valve has revised its Steam refund policy to eliminate a loophole that allowed players to accumulate significant playtime through Advanced Access and subsequently receive full refunds upon the game’s official launch. The updated policy introduces a two-hour playtime limit for Advanced Access games, which are titles that can be played ahead of their official release, typically through the purchase of a special edition.

Steam Tightens Refund Policy for Advanced Access Games

Steam’s refund policy allows players to request a refund within 14 days of purchase and within two hours of playtime. However, a loophole existed for games with Advanced Access, where players could play for several days before the official release and still qualify for a refund. Steam has closed this loophole, ensuring that the two-hour clock begins when the game is first purchased.

Valve Tightens Steam Refund Policy for Advanced Access Games

Valve has updated its Steam refund policy to close a loophole that allowed players to accrue several hours of playtime through advanced access and then receive a full refund at launch. Now, Advanced Access games are subject to a two-hour time limit for refunds, even before the official launch date. The policy update was prompted by the increasing popularity of Advanced Access games, where players can play games ahead of their official launch, typically by purchasing a special edition.

Steam Refund Policy Update: Advanced Access Games Now Subject to Two-Hour Playtime Limit

Valve has revised its Steam refund policy to close a loophole that allowed players to accumulate hours of playtime in Advanced Access games before requesting a refund at launch. The new policy applies a two-hour playtime limit to Advanced Access titles, which include games that can be played ahead of their official release date. This change aims to prevent players from abusing the refund system by fully completing games within the Advanced Access period and then receiving a full refund.

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