West Bengal Lok Sabha Elections: No Central Issue Dominates Campaign in South Bengal

Halfway through the 2024 Lok Sabha elections in West Bengal, no single issue or thread has dominated the election campaign. Regional issues such as the demand for Gorkhaland in Darjeeling, the crisis of the tea industry in the north, and river erosion are missing from the campaign by major political parties. Social media campaigns, videos, and AI-powered content are dominating the elections in the State.

X Platform Launches Dedicated Video App for Smart TVs

X Platform is expanding its video presence with the launch of a dedicated video app for smart TVs. This move marks a significant step in X’s ongoing push into the video streaming market.

The X video app offers a range of features, including a trending video algorithm, AI-powered trending topics, and cross-device compatibility, allowing users to seamlessly transition between their phones and TVs while watching content. Notably, the app will be ad-free upon launch, with the company planning to explore monetization options in the future.

X’s focus on video is evident in its partnerships with third-party content providers, such as Range Media Partners, and its own original programming, including shows hosted by Jim Rome, Tulsi Gabbard, and Don Lemon. The company’s streaming aspirations extend to the living room, where other tech giants like YouTube and TikTok have also invested in TV app experiences.

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