Strawberry Storage Hacks to Maintain Freshness for Two Weeks

Strawberries have a high moisture content, making them prone to spoilage. Here are some tips to extend their freshness:

* **Wash and refrigerate:** Wash and drain strawberries, then store them in the refrigerator to maintain freshness.

* **Warm to room temperature before eating:** Before consuming, remove strawberries from the fridge 2 hours prior to allow them to warm up and release their flavors.

* **Store in glass jars or airtight containers:** These containers prevent excess moisture from reaching the fruit.

* **Use paper towels to absorb moisture:** Place strawberries on paper towels to absorb excess moisture.

* **Avoid piling strawberries:** Store strawberries in single layers to prevent mold growth.

* **Keep for up to two weeks:** Following these tips can keep strawberries fresh for up to two weeks, compared to a few days in supermarket containers.

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