AMC’s critically acclaimed cyberpunk anime series, Pantheon, has arrived on Netflix, offering a mature and intense storyline unlike typical anime fare. With a stellar voice cast including Paul Dano and Aaron Eckhart, and a compelling exploration of AI and uploaded consciousness, Pantheon is a must-watch this November.
Results for: AMC
AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. (AMC) shares are soaring today following the company’s announcement of a significant debt retirement maneuver. This move aligns with AMC’s strategy to reduce its debt load and could be further fueled by renewed interest from meme-stock enthusiasts. Find out what drove the surge and the potential role of ‘Roaring Kitty’ in the current market sentiment.
The popular social media investor known as Roaring Kitty has returned to X, formerly Twitter, with a cryptic post, sending shares of GameStop and AMC Entertainment Holdings higher. The post sparked speculation about a potential investment in Chewy, Inc., a company the investor has previously held a large stake in.
AMC Entertainment Holdings posted a second-quarter loss due to the impact of Hollywood strikes, but the box office success of ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ offers a glimmer of hope for the cinema chain. The company also announced a debt restructuring agreement, boosting investor confidence.
Philo, the streaming TV service, is introducing a range of updates this June. The Core bundle will now include access to AMC+, bringing popular shows like ‘The Walking Dead’ spin-offs and award-winning titles to subscribers. Additionally, Philo will offer its FAST (Free Ad-Supported Television) channels to non-subscribers. However, the Core package price will increase from $25 to $28 per month for new subscribers, while existing subscribers will continue to pay $25 per month without AMC+ access. Philo also now offers over 70 FAST channels outside of its paywall, accessible with a free sign-in.
The Walking Dead has had its ups and downs, but even in its weaker seasons, there have been some truly exceptional episodes. Here are 10 of the most underrated episodes of the series that deserve more attention.