Nine years after the groundbreaking HBO series ‘The Jinx,’ filmmaker Andrew Jarecki returns with ‘The Jinx: Part Two,’ a captivating follow-up that delves deeper into the infamous murder case of Robert Durst, a real estate scion implicated in three murders from 1982 to 2003.
This new installment unveils a cast of larger-than-life characters, including Nick “Chinga” Chavin, a rhinestone-studded performer and white-collar executive, who played a pivotal role in the prosecution of Durst for the murder of his best friend, Susan Berman.
‘The Jinx: Part Two’ also explores the profound impact of the original series, which reignited law enforcement’s pursuit of Durst after a decade of inaction and became a catalyst for emotional catharsis among the families of Durst’s alleged victims.
Assistant Los Angeles District Attorney John Lewin, a self-consciously telegenic figure, emerges as a key player in Part Two, showcasing the parallels between law enforcement and Jarecki’s own investigative team in their relentless pursuit of the truth.
With two episodes already aired and four more to come, ‘The Jinx: Part Two’ promises to provide thoughtful consideration and skillful melodramatics, shedding light on the trial that ultimately convicted Durst of murder and sentenced him to life without parole. This gripping true-crime saga serves as a reminder that the pursuit of justice can be a complex and enduring journey.