Embark on a thrilling journey with Bob the Builder as he embarks on his path to becoming a master builder in the animated movie, ‘Bob the Builder On Site: Houses & Playgrounds’. This heartwarming film explores the importance of friendship, teamwork, and the joy of creation. Stream it now exclusively on Peacock, your go-to destination for award-winning entertainment.
Results for: Animated kids movie
Bob the Builder: The Knights of Fix-A-Lot is an animated kids movie that follows Bob, a skilled constructor, and his crew on a series of building adventures. This time, they face a unique challenge: repairing an old castle with an interesting history. A mix-up leads to chaos, forcing Bob and his team to work overtime to fix the castle. Watch Bob the Builder: The Knights of Fix-A-Lot streaming via Peacock, a video-on-demand service featuring a wide range of movies, TV shows, and docuseries. Peacock’s Premium account offers over 80,000 hours of content, while Premium Plus eliminates ads and allows for offline viewing and access to local NBC channels live.