Honey’s Remarkable Longevity: Why It Doesn’t Spoil and How to Preserve Its Quality

Honey, a pantry staple, is renowned for its remarkable shelf life. This sweet nectar’s resistance to spoilage is attributed to its unique chemical composition, created by honeybees. Discover the factors that contribute to honey’s long-lasting nature, including its high sugar content, acidic environment, and antimicrobial compounds. Learn about the potential changes honey undergoes over time and how proper storage practices can preserve its quality and prevent spoilage.

Innovative Implant Disrupts Biofilms, Combating Dental Implant Failure

Every year, millions of Americans receive dental implants, but these replacements can fail due to inflammation and gum disease caused by microbial biofilms. A new implant design aims to address this issue with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The crown will contain nanoparticles of barium titanate, a chemical compound that repels bacteria. Additionally, LEDs at the base of the crown will deliver phototherapy to the surrounding gum tissue, inhibiting bacterial growth and inflammation. The piezoelectric material in the crown converts the motion of chewing and brushing into electrical energy, powering the LEDs. The National Institutes of Health has awarded a grant to advance the implant’s development and test its effectiveness in laboratory cultures and mini pigs before human clinical trials. The same piezoelectric technology is also being explored for dental fillings, which would generate an electrical charge to inhibit bacterial colonization on the composite surface.

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