Five Chinese Zodiac Signs Set for a Lucky Week

According to astrologer Valeria Black, five Chinese zodiac signs – Dragon, Goat, Pig, Rooster, and Horse – are set to experience a surge in luck this week, starting Monday, July 15. The Dragon, despite a challenging year, is predicted to benefit from their energy and focus on meaningful relationships. The Pig may find love in the air, while the Goat is urged to pay attention to signs and synchronicities. Roosters are advised to slow down and embrace a peaceful approach to discover hidden blessings, while the Horse is expected to enjoy sudden and unexpected luck, particularly in matters of the heart.

Libra Tops the List: Zodiac Signs Most Prone to Cheating in Relationships

Contrary to popular belief, fire signs like Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius aren’t the most likely to cheat. According to astrology, Libra, known for its balanced nature, surprisingly takes the top spot, followed by Gemini and Capricorn. This article explores the reasons behind these zodiac signs’ tendencies towards infidelity, highlighting their character traits and how they approach relationships.

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