Audible Now Recommends Audiobooks Based on Prime Video Viewing

Audible, owned by Amazon, is testing a new personalized recommendation feature that suggests audiobooks to users based on their Prime Video viewing history. This feature aims to capitalize on the correlation between popular streaming shows and increased listenership for the source material of those shows. With the rise of competition in the audiobook market from Spotify, Audible’s move towards integrating TV and movie recommendations into its platform may help strengthen its position as the industry leader.

Immerse Yourself in the Wizarding World with New Audible Audiobook Series

Pottermore Publishing and Audible have joined forces to bring forth a groundbreaking audiobook experience for J.K. Rowling’s beloved Harry Potter series. Scheduled for release in late 2025, this multi-part series will feature a captivating full cast of over 100 actors, delivering an immersive sonic journey through the magical world of Harry Potter. Each audiobook will be released sequentially and globally, inviting listeners to embark on a captivating auditory adventure. This innovative initiative complements the existing single-voice audiobook recordings by Jim Dale and Stephen Fry, which have captivated audiences worldwide.

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