The Surprising Amount of Calories Needed to Grow a Baby

Growing a human takes a lot of energy! Scientists have estimated that a pregnant woman needs anywhere from 50,000 to 85,000 extra calories over nine months, with most estimates leaning towards the higher end. This extra energy isn’t just for the baby, but also for the mother’s body as it undergoes significant changes to accommodate the pregnancy. The exact amount of calories needed can vary depending on factors like the mother’s size, activity level, and metabolism.

Arj Barker Sparks Fury: Comedian Asks Mom to Leave Show with ‘Gurgling’ Baby

Comedian Arj Barker has sparked controversy after asking a mother with a ‘gurgling’ baby to leave his show. The incident occurred in Australia, where Barker interrupted his performance to address the mother, Trish Faranda. Faranda claims she was also heckled by the audience. Barker defended his actions, stating that he believed the baby’s noises were disrupting the audience’s immersion in his performance. Despite some support for Barker, many social media users have criticized his behavior, arguing that it was insensitive and demeaning to the mother and her child. The situation has sparked discussion about the challenges faced by parents when participating in public events while caring for young children.

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