Former Democrat Lawmaker Who Donated to Biden Now Defends His Age

Former South Carolina lawmaker Bakari Sellers, a staunch supporter of President Biden, has defended the president’s age despite previously expressing concerns about it in 2019. Sellers, who donated thousands of dollars to Biden’s re-election campaign, has faced criticism for his shift in stance, particularly after a recent CNN debate where Biden’s performance raised questions about his fitness for office.

Van Lathan and Rachel Lindsay Explore Workplace Harassment Lawsuit, Bakari Sellers on Change, and College Protests

The episode opens with Van Lathan and Rachel Lindsay discussing the workplace harassment allegations and lawsuit involving Megan thee Stallion. They then welcome guest Bakari Sellers, who shares his insights from his new book on the urgent need for change, the current state of the Black community, and the concept of the “time of the useful idiot.” Finally, the hosts review the demands of college protesters across the country, highlighting their calls for systemic reforms and social justice.

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