Lara Trump’s Election Integrity Concerns Stir Controversy

Former RNC chair Lara Trump has raised concerns over election integrity after suggesting in a Newsmax interview that the Republican National Committee (RNC) has personnel present at polling places who can physically handle ballots. Her comments sparked concerns about voter intimidation and potential interference in the electoral process, prompting a reminder from former RNC chairman Michael Steele of the RNC’s history of cheating. Lara Trump’s reference to the lifting of an expired moratorium on voter intimidation adds to the complexity of the situation.

RNC Deploys Poll Watchers with ‘Physical Ballot Handling’ Powers

The Republican National Committee (RNC) has announced plans to deploy both poll watchers and individuals with the authority to handle ballots on Election Day. This move is part of the RNC’s strategy to ensure election integrity, according to Lara Trump, co-Chair of the committee. The RNC has emphasized that its poll watchers will monitor the ballot casting and counting processes, reporting any irregularities to authorities.

Lara Trump also noted that the RNC has lifted a 40-year moratorium on training individuals to work in polling locations and tabulation centers. This change gives the RNC increased capacity to monitor the election process, which Trump described as “the most important of our lifetime.”

The RNC’s efforts come amid former President Trump’s repeated claims of widespread fraud in the 2020 election. While Lara Trump has dismissed these allegations in the past, she stated that the RNC is determined to prevent any perceived irregularities in the upcoming election.

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