BBC ALBA, the Scottish Gaelic-language channel, has announced a new drama series titled ‘An t-Eilean’ (The Island), starring Shetland actress Sorcha Groundsell. The upcoming drama follows PC Kat Crichton, a police family liaison officer who returns to her home island to investigate a brutal murder. Despite being in Gaelic, the show will be subtitled for wider accessibility. The series features an ensemble cast including Iain Macrae, Sagar Radia, and Sorcha Groundsell. Filming is currently underway in Harris, Lewis, and Glasgow, with the release date to be confirmed.
Results for: BBC Drama
The BBC has announced the highly anticipated return of the gripping drama thriller ‘The Responder,’ starring Martin Freeman as troubled cop Chris Carson. The second series, set to premiere next month, will follow the aftermath of the first season’s cliffhanger ending, delving deeper into the emotional toll faced by officers on the front lines of British policing. Based on the real-life experiences of former officer Tony Schumacher, ‘The Responder’ explores the moral dilemmas and intense pressures faced by those navigating the complexities of crime and human suffering.