Hunter Biden to Plead Guilty in Tax Case, Shocking Prosecutors

Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, is set to plead guilty to federal tax charges, a sudden turn of events that surprised federal prosecutors. This comes as the trial for the charges began in Los Angeles, with jury selection underway. The charges stem from accusations that Biden failed to pay millions in taxes and filed false tax returns over a four-year period.

Biden Family Embroiled in Business Dealings Despite Claims of ‘Plausible Deniability’

President Biden has maintained a distance from his family’s business ventures, but a report from Politico sheds light on the deep involvement of his inner circle, including his brother, personal bookkeeper, lawyer, and Secret Service detail, in dealings with Hunter and Jim Biden. Jim Biden hired the president’s former Secret Service chief to investigate a Chinese executive Hunter Biden was meeting with, while President Biden’s personal bookkeeper has also handled his finances. The report highlights the intricate connections and potential conflicts of interest within the Biden family and their associates.

Hunter Biden’s Wife Attacks Former Trump Aide at Trial

During a court appearance on Tuesday, Melissa Cohen Biden, the wife of Hunter Biden, verbally attacked Garrett Ziegler, a former Trump White House aide, who was present at the trial. Ziegler was sued by Hunter Biden last year for publishing the contents of his infamous laptop. Melissa Biden’s remarks drew criticism from Marco Polo, a nonprofit group led by Ziegler, who characterized them as “truly contemptible” and accused her of lacking impulse control.

Ziegler confirmed the encounter and denied making any remarks to the Biden family. He emphasized his belief in the U.S. Constitution and distanced himself from the Nazi label used by Melissa Biden.

Hunter Biden’s lawsuit against Ziegler alleges that he violated computer laws by accessing and manipulating data from the laptop, which was left at a Delaware repair shop in 2019. Marco Polo has maintained that Ziegler’s actions were part of a legitimate investigation into alleged corruption involving Hunter Biden and his father, President Biden.

Ziegler’s attorney has requested that a judge appointed by President Biden be removed from the case due to concerns about impartiality. The lawsuit has implications for the congressional impeachment inquiry and the 2024 election.

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